Citation for the Military Medal, given for bravery in the Falklands campaign, 1982
1982 June 08
Created by Nicola 11 years ago
8th June 1982, whilst at anchor in Fitzroy Sound, East Falkland, RFA Sir Galahad was bombed and set on fire by enemy aircraft. Embarked troops included two companies of infantry and the main body of 16 Field Ambulance, men and equipment. At the time of the attack, most of the troops were positioned in the tank deck where substantial quantities of ammunition soon began to explode as fire worked through the ship.
Sergeant Naya, Royal Army Medical Corps, was standing in the tank deck when he was thrown against a bulkhead by an explosion and partially stunned. The lights went out and the tank deck began to fill with dense black smoke. A second explosion set his large pack alight and scorched the back of his head. Shrugging off the burning material he managed to lead a soldier up two flights of stairs to daylight on the upper deck. He then helped carry a man who had lost a leg up to the forecastle, having first administered first aid. He treated many more casualties, including another amputee, and set up several infusions until, with all the casualties evacuated, he left the ship on the last helicopter, later to be evacuated from Fitzroy as a casualty himself. After only three days he returned to duty in the Advance Surgical Centre of the field ambulance where he worked steadfastly through the most intense period of military activity and the passage of many battle casualties.
Sergeant Naya, being a casualty himself, was well aware of the dangers he faced by remaining in the stricken vessel and yet, with no thought for his own safety, devoted himself to the care of his injured comrades until such care was no longer required.
Sergeant Naya's conduct throughout showed immense personal courage. He acted in the highest tradition of the Royal Army Medical Corps.